“Soldiers experience this tribal way of thinking at war, but when they come home, they realize that the tribe they were actually fighting for wasn’t their country, it was their unit. It makes absolutely no sense to make sacrifices for a group that, itself, isn’t willing to make sacrifices for you…

We're social animals wired for close, communal connection. When you take people who've experienced the pleasure of that, and you pick them up and put them back down in the great American suburb, they're going to feel like something is missing because there IS something missing.”  – Sebastian Junger  



Tribe and purpose are inextricably linked. Veterans who have spent years on the battlefield often lack mentors to help them navigate the private sector as they find their place post service.


The Garrison Foundation guides selected fellows to their purpose through our tribe of mentors, industry experts, and other fellows, past and present. We grow our tribe by banding together to train, mentor, and place each fellow into a private sector role where they can thrive.